Can I register a descriptive word as my trademark?
Yes, if you use it as a trademark (i.e., as a business name or product name) and you do not use it in a generic sense. Here are some rules for using your somewhat descriptive trademark:
- Use the trademark as a proper adjective.
- Stylize the trademark when used in text (e.g. bold face, initial capital letters, italics, colors).
- Use the trademark with appropriate warnings such as the "TM" symbol or language which says "This mark is a trademark registered in Texas."
- Never alter a trademark - use it a single way exactly as it is trademarked. Do not use it as a verb. Do not pluralize a trademark that was trademarked in the singular.
- Manage the use of your trademark by other market participants. Require your clients, licensees and competitors to say "Registered trademark of ABC, Inc." if they wish to use your trademark.
- Enforce your trademark. Quickly react to the improper use of a trademark by sending "cease and desist letters" or by explaining the proper use of your mark.